All-New, Possibly Different? Comic Books and Cats

Hey there True Believers,

It’s been a while.  It’s funny, in my mind I hadn’t posted in a few months and then I actually look and whoops it’s been 3 years.  A lot has changed and some hasn’t changed.  I’ll get into it more in a future post but basically I got really burned out on comics after the Secrete Wars / Convergence event back in 2015 and never really recovered from it.  I went from a weekly reader of new comics to going well past a year of reading any new comics.  I’ve tried to read some here and there but mostly have struggled to get back into comics.  I hope to still blog about comics here and pick up some series but honestly I’m not going to force it.  So there may be a slew of non comic related posts on here instead.

Outside of comics there is news I have to post and it is entirely cat related.  Our clan of two has become and clan of 3 and we added a new cat to the family last summer.  We were not planning on having more cats than people in the house but fate had different plans.  We found Celine at my wife’s work and decided to give her a home.  I wouldn’t say she’s “getting along” with the other cats but they have decided on a understanding of each other and mostly continue to keep to themselves.


About Jasomania

Born out of the depths of Hell Jason is considered to be the song bird of his generation. View all posts by Jasomania

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