Monthly Archives: March 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Playlist

Batman v Superman Poster

This weekend the two greatest superheros of all time are going to face off for the first time in theaters everywhere.  This of course begs the question, what am I going to jam out to while the two juggernauts duke it out?  Well no fears, Comic Books and Cats has got you covered with fresh new playlist to hype you up for the movie (if you haven’t seen if yet) or to nurse that sweet post movie hangover.  You can listen to the directly through the app below or here is a direct link to the playlist on Spotify.

DC Comics February 2016 Neal Adams Variant Covers Complete

For the month of February there are some inception levels of Neal Adams in the variant covers from DC Comics.  We have Neal Adams, playing homage to himself through 25 different covers.  As an added bonus I not only was able get the color covers but Neal Adams released the pencils for each cover as well!